Saturday 16 July 2011

The Sound of Silence

Sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine and a cup of tea I was also revelling in what I thought was complete silence....until I listened that is.

As soon as I did I heard all that made up the sound of silence. At first I became aware of the chatter of the birds, then the whisper of a gentle breeze through the bamboo and a rustling of the leaves of our many ash trees. And finally the munching of cows in the field next to us, A soft rhythmic satisfied sound as they bit and chewed on the plentiful grass.

So not silence at all.

If we sit quietly and focus on ourselves and the silence within our own bodies and minds we may also find that the sound of silence isn't silence at all. The chattering of my mind may become so still I hear nothing at all there but I can still hear the soft beating of my heart, sometimes reverberating through my body. Sometimes I can hear my own breath or the blood moving through me.

So not silence at all.

What does your sound of silence sound like?

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